This chapter identifies bacterial isolates from Aerobic Microbial Floc (AMF) based aquaculture systems by 16s rDNA gene amplification systems and sequencing. The fluorescent images of bacterial floc were taken using a confocal microscope on a biweekly basis. Water samples were collected from one tank in each treatment and processed immediately for microscopy. The bacteria from five isolates were identified using molecular technique based on the 16S rDNA gene amplification using polymerase chain reaction followed by sequencing of the amplified gene. The AMF production and management of the microbes under indoor raceways yields the productive microbial protein for the assimilation of Penaeus vannamei in the nursery culture. Information on the bacterial species that inhabit the aquaculture systems will be helpful in the effective management in AMF technology so as to prevent the disease outbreak or spread of infections the humans involved in the handling activities.