Digital image processing with associated sensing elements operating in the broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum has emerged as a prominent technique in almost every field for making crucial decisions. Although the imaging technique originated more than a century ago, tremendous growth has been seen in the last two decades, especially with the growth in the hardware and software industries providing a significant boost. Imaging was originally developed for applications in the medical field and remote sensing. As technology grew, the technique has occupied an irreplaceable part in every walk of life. X-ray imaging has been explored for inspecting the interior of horticultural commodities. The intensity of energy exiting the product is dependent upon the incident energy, absorption coefficient, density of the product, and sample thickness. Some of the internal disorders that could be detected non-destructively include cork spot, bitter pit, watercore, and brown core for apple; blossom end decline, membranous stain, black rot, seed germination and freeze damage for citrus; and hollow heart, bruises, and perhaps black heart for potato.