Machine Learning has been applied in various fields to train and test the data for prediction. Machine Learning is an Artificial Intelligence technology which, without specific programming, provides systems with the ability to learn and improve from vast exposure. It focuses on computer programs that can access and use knowledge to learn by themselves. It has different types of examples, as data mining for automation development and typical apps include web-click information for improved medical records for better healthcare automation, biological data, email spam, and much more, including malware filtering. Machine Learning is the science that deals with statistical models and algorithms used by computer systems to perform a specific job efficiently without clear guidance, relying on patterns and inferences instead. Machine Learning algorithms construct "training data" to generate predictions or choices without directly programming the job as a Mathematical Model. Machine-automated learning algorithms are used in every type of application, including email sorting and computer vision, whereby specific instructions or algorithms are used to perform an impossible task. Computational statistics that concentrate on computer-based predictions are closely associated with machine learning. Mathematical optimisation research provides the field of machine learning with methods, theory, and application domains. This study presents implementations in the most effective content-based spam filtering methods, such as Phishing Social Engineering, etc. It focuses on spam filters and their variants based on Machine Learning, i.e., a comprehensive survey for suitable thoughts, attempts. The original background exposure examines the basics of filtering spam email and changing spam character with ESPs. We conclude with applications and the effect of filters based on Machine Learning and explore the promising offshoots of recent innovations. However, there are still some exceptional email spam filtering issues, as mentioned above. The anti-spam study will stay in an active study area until further improvements in spam filtering occur.