The state of the matter that exhibits intermediate properties of amorphous liquids and those of the solid crystals are termed as Liquid Crystals (LCs). They are also called ‘mesogen’. It has been observed in certain materials that solid to a liquid phase is not a single transition, rather a cascade of phase transition in between the two phases. These intermediate phases exhibit the physical properties between an amorphous liquid and a solid crystal. Due to the crystalline nature, the medium shows optical birefringence as seen in other solids.

Nanomaterials have distinct properties relative to their bulk counterparts due to their tunable physical, chemical and biological properties, such as higher specific surface area, size distribution and higher optical absorbance and emission. With the advancement of nanoscience, LC materials experimental research has been changed. Various nanoparticles (NPs), carbon nanotubes and quantum dots are gaining popularity because of their potential applications. They have been used as a doping agent to improve the physical properties of LC materials. The present chapter comprehensively discussed various types of liquid crystal nanomaterials, their properties and various applications.