The current advancements in the field of nanotechnology have prompted the development of nanoscale instruments that exhibit powerful features important for many novel applications in various fields including, but not limited to, defence, military, food, environment and healthcare. Nanosensors have immense potential in the area of diagnostic medicine for it can enable early identification of disease without relying on visible symptoms. An ideal nanosensor would mimic the immune responses by integrating both diagnostic and immune responses while transferring data to allow for monitoring. However, the development of such nanosensors is still in its infancy and majority of the research right now is focussed on developing nanosensors with powerful diagnostic abilities. Currently, nanosensors are being used in healthcare for drug delivery, nanoscale sensing of contamination in organ implants and to detect tumor masses. Further, a network of nanosensors, called nanonetwork, are being developed to overcome the challenges of the small size and lower power associated with individual nanosensors. This book chapter discusses the use of nanosensor and nanoparticles in smart health care and its key applications.