Flexible electronic skins, a flexible electronic device inspired by the human skin, are getting attractive and influencing the researchers to be a promising candidate for biomedical, sports, and healthcare sectors. Advanced materials, device designs, and device architectures help in establishing the foundations of embedding sensors and components in a single package and mount directly on the human skin. Functionalities such as self-healing, self-cleaning, stretchability, and camouflage are important in fabricating an e-skin device. The functionalities present in the e-skin device plays their role in sensing upon contact with external stimuli. This chapter discusses the fabrication of e-skin based devices with the convergence of materials with various functionalities. The latest research examples in nanosensor technology embedded into e-skin devices and additional components required for the functioning of sensors such as flexible electronic circuits and flexible power sources are introduced. In addition, the chapter discusses the concept of energy-autonomous sensors with the integration of energy harvesting components such as the triboelectric nanogenerator. Triboelectric nanogenerator coverts external mechanical energy into useful electrical energy, having the potential to use as a promising power source replacing the battery. Besides, the chapter concludes with the insight on e-skins and the future directions of using skin sensors for soft robotics and skin prosthetics.