The study of the existing models of electrical system simulation has shown the need for the development of a new model, which is specifically created for the study of buildings and neighbourhoods. The model comes close to other models existing in the literature, such as the EnergyPLAN model developed by Professor Lund or the dispatch model developed by Raichur, Callaway and Skerlos. The implementation of this proposed new approach for the eco-design of buildings is based on the identification of marginal technologies and processes, expansion of the system, which integrates the substitution effects and the impacts avoided. The “consequential project” approach proposed justifies neglecting the market effects generally associated with consequential studies, given the limited size of the project compared to the size of the national economic system. The study of the existing models of electrical system simulation has shown the need for the development of a new model, which is specifically created for the study of buildings and neighbourhoods.