This is a qualitative study aimed at, first, describing the results of the packaging of the Topeng Pedalangan performing arts in Bobung Village, Putat, Pathuk, Gunungkidul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Second, it seeks to find its impact on tourist attractions. Initially, the art of the Topeng Pedalangan was unknown because the village was more focused on mask handicrafts used for the dance, but after some time, the idea to turn the art of Topeng Pedalangan into a staged performance for the tourist attraction developed. Assistance methods used to develop the tourist attraction include (1) making inventory and casting supporters who are mostly craftsmen (not dancers), (2) conducting assimilation by involving several dance students from the Department of Dance Education of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta in the training process, and (3) managing the Topeng Pedalangan community to carry out an independent performance. The results of the Topeng Pedalangan packaging criteria for tourist attractions cover (1) the packaging is adapted to the supporters’ capabilities; (2) the packaging model is creatively managed for dynamical changes; (3) The duration of the packaging is compacted; (4) the attraction is highlighted by characters who can communicate with the spectators; and (5) utilizing information technology for publication. The implications for the packaging of Topeng Pedalangan include (1) tourist visits in Bobung likely begin to increase, (2) the performing arts can grow the economy of the surrounding community, and (3) young generations can enjoy the arts.