Cloud computing, as the name implies, is a new age (modern) technology which has huge potentials in markets and enterprises. It is continuously becoming of the major growing systems in the figuring computing industry. In this paper, we overview the allocation of different cloud resources in next-generation, tactile internet for volunteer computing. Companies or organizations can use these resources for computational/storage purposes and reduce their infrastructure cost significantly. We overview critical scheduling and resource allocation methods for a vast number of aggregated services on the web, which is a vital and demanding challenge in the cloud. We classify the various areas of resource allocation and its implementation in the cloud volunteer computing environment. We also outline the main issues identified with security and intelligence that are mainly considered while allocating these resources. This paper also emphasizes and addresses the foremost challenges that are normal to the progress of resource allocation in the cloud. This survey study is believed to benefit both users of cloud resources and researchers in overpowering the difficulties they face.