The globe is currently suffering a pandemic announced as COVID-19, which drastically changed human life and affected it severely. The lifestyle and thinking process of each individual has been modified amidst the prevailing circumstances. This is considered to be a situation with unpredictability and high uncertainty. People are advised to stay home, which in turn raises nervousness and negative thoughts. On the other hand, in this world of advancement, everything is getting digitized and advanced day-by-day. New technologies are emerging, like machine learning, virtual reality, internet of medical things, blockchain, etc., as per the requirements and needs of humans. Machines are making work easier and more comfortable. Machine learning can help determine the emotional state of humans even in lockdown. In this paper, IoT-based micro-expression detection and recognition using convolutional attentional neural networks are presented. This technology can identify seven emotions, which are disgust, fear, sadness, happiness, anger, surprise, and contempt. This technology directly works on the pattern of a human face, which is why there are some situations in which actual expressions cannot be identified, and real-time images are analyzed by doctors using IoT. Results have shown modest performance and raised the chances of people receiving proper medication while staying at home.