The Coronavirus disease 2019, also referred to as the COVID-19, is a communicable disease triggered by the severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV). This disease was first discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019. However, the first case was recorded in November 2019. COVID-19 was listed as a member of the sub-family of orthocoronavirinae within the genus of corona viridae. The subfamilies are usually known as zoonotic diseases, and due to interaction with contaminated species, transmission of humans happens. Animals (bats and snakes) were active as the main coronavirus cause [1]. COVID-19, a novel coronavirus type, has 80 per cent common affiliation with coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV), because the strains share common lipid rafts. The World Health Organization reported the official worldwide number of infections of Coronavirus as 3,090,445, while the death rate is 217,769. The 2019 novel coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) is caused by severe coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) acute respiratory syndromes, and therefore has no effective preventive or proven therapeutic interventions. The advancement of an effective and safe vaccine to deter COVID-19 is expected to take almost a year, and during that period huge numbers of people may have perished [2].