The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defined smart grid as a combination of conventional electrical grid and information and communication technology (ICT) tools. Smart grids with the advanced research are moving toward intelligent systems. With the integration of ICT, smart grid is capable of data generation, storage, and finding the useful information by analyzing the data. Smart grids these days consist of communication infrastructure, storage units, advanced monitoring, and controlling. To achieve optimized results, the intelligent system of smart grid cyber system is incorporated with the power system that enables the devices to communicate their condition and processes among themselves. Integration of cyber system provides efficient and customized grid facilities, but along with such positive things, it will introduce some security issues such as cyber threats and attacks. It may permit the attackers to interfere the communication, get access to basic control schedules, and even control the meter measurements, load setting, and framework boundaries to destabilize the power framework in eccentric manners. In this chapter, some ongoing cyberattack-related occurrences into a smart grid are examined. The prerequisites and the cutting edge of cyber security problems in smart grid are represented extravagantly. Security requirements, challenges, and the existing security solutions are addressed in this chapter. Furthermore, most importantly, machine learning-enabled cyber security infrastructure has been proposed in this chapter.