In order to achieve educational goals maximally, the role of the teacher is very important and it is hoped that the teacher has a good teaching model and is able to choose the right learning model and is in accordance with the concepts of the subject matter to be provided and adapted to the development of existing technology. Therefore, an effort is needed in order to develop teacher professionalism which is supported through training to improve teacher competence as a 21st century educator and effective school management in the context of sustainable professional development. Through this activity it is hoped that school principals and teachers will gain an understanding of the concepts of 21st century teachers and effective school management in the context of sustainable professional development. Community service activities organized by the Department of Education Administration in collaboration with UPTD Kertasari sub-district and PGRI Kertasari sub-district Bandung Regency is actually a continuous process of a product that is complete and easy to see the results, so that it can help that is being developed with the development of problems education that appears in schools. Therefore continued efforts were followed by a positive attitude to improve the ability of principals, teachers and supervisors in the management of internal education resources.