In the past few years, Internet users are at danger due to the exponential surge in cyberattacks. Given the importance of privacy techniques like zero-knowledge proof (ZKP), their study and development are the major areas of interest. A cryptographic method called ZKPs can conceal information while still enabling data validation. In this work, we outline various schemes highlighting the value of zero-knowledge evidence in the context of cyber security and how it can reduce the risk of cyberattacks. We have discussed two models of ZKPs, which are interactive and noninteractive ZKPs with their applications and issues. The goal of this research is to develop communication- and computation-efficient protocols for zero-knowledge arguments and proofs of propositions that include a significant number of “simple” predicates. The study finishes with real-world examples, practicality, and usability of ZKP applications using blockchain, zk-SNARKs, zk-STARKs, and the cryptocurrency Zcash.