Internet-based tools and social networking sites are frequently used by both students and health care professionals with the purpose of engaging with communities, collecting and sharing information and learning. Learning management systems in addition to offering tools to host, manage and localise content, can also help with the creation of communities of learners. Social networking sites and mobile devices have enabled the creation of informal communities to address unmet needs. Advertising on general social networking sites is a cost-effective recruitment strategy which can be continuously monitored and fine-tuned; however, the appropriate network(s) should be selected depending on the research objectives and targeted population. A plethora of internet-based software is available to researchers to cover their various needs at prices they can afford. Digital technologies are providing opportunities for innovative research dissemination and knowledge translation. Beyond the traditional research dissemination vehicles, researchers are embracing a variety of new digital tools including online journals, e-books, social media, blogs and wikis.