As one of the driving forces behind the current industrial revolution—Industry 4.0—intelligent and smart devices/machines/systems are increasingly in demand, and their presence is growing rapidly. Hence, it is important to understand how such systems are designed and implemented: the machine learning algorithms and methodologies functioning behind such systems and whether they bring any real benefit to industry. This chapter presents the reader with an introduction to machine learning, especially from an implementation point of view. The objective is to provide a broad idea of what machine learning and its related methodologies are, how to implement a machine learning–based system and what the benefits are of integrating such a system into an existing industrial setup. Although there are many challenges along the way, in the scope of this chapter, the focus is mostly on design, development and deployment methodologies for machine learning in production. Three real cases are discussed, from industries established in the state of Manaus in Brazil. Real data and system evaluations through quantitative analysis are presented for each case.