Smart health care is an intelligent way of maintaining a health-care system where we use various technologies like IoT, the Internet, and devices that can be worn in order to see the required information, connect people, materials, and institutions. Traditionally, health care was disease-centric, and doctors used their past knowledge to cure the disease. However, now health care is patient-centric, and doctors now check the records of all those patients with the same disease and check their background, and with experience and understanding, doctors try to cure the disease. With the advancement of the IT sector, health-care information is digitized. There is a high volume of medical data that need to be used and valued. Smart health care uses new generation technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, and IoT that helps in the transformation of traditional methods with more improved and personalized features. Various research studies have been conducted such as neural cell classification, cancer diagnosis, disease protection, and analysis. We are also using this modern health care in the present scenario of COVID-19 where instead of using thermometers to measure temperature, contactless temperature measuring instruments can be used. Therefore, this modern method has not only helped to cure diseases but also helps in prevention.