The importance for renewable energy, especially solar, has raised unprecedentedly during the past two decades. An appropriate monitoring system plays a key role for enhancing the performance of solar power plants. The ultimate objective of monitoring systems is to extract maximum generation from the solar power plants, duly checking the shadow effects, string faults, and so on that affect the efficiency. Cost-effective remote monitoring system using IoT for solar power plants minimising the human intervention was proposed to enhance the performance of the renewable energy sites. Monitoring will be carried out by developing an IoT device based on microcontroller and would be interfaced with the Wi-Fi module framework. Smart monitoring system displays the data of power generation based on daily, monthly, and yearly generation of renewable energy. This helps the end user and system operators to analyse the patterns of generation and to plan the use of other resources in coordination with solar in an optimal fashion. This would be useful to curtail the ignition of costly secondary power plants that uses the fossil fuels for energy generation. This study aims to analyse the advantages of remote monitoring and impacts on the renewable energy generation.