IoT in health care is gaining importance due to its obvious benefits, by streaming data out of the medical devices to a separate entity for further analysis, diagnosis, and treatment. This chapter focuses on the IoT application in health care, the critical aspects taken during design, software reliabilities, security features and in handling data, digital twin concepts, and related issues. IoT is very relevant in a contagious environment like COVID-19, wherein the proximity to patients to monitor their parameters is a big risk to the medical fraternity in terms of infections. Currently, there is a huge gap between integrating data from various medical devices and manual maintenance of patient records in hospitals which can be bridged by IoT. Data on health care is one huge treasure, which can be the foundation for improving the health aspects of society at large. The new technologies such as 5G, Cloud storage and services, and so on provide huge support in faster handling large volumes of data, filtering/analyzing/ transforming it into useful information. The patient parameters can be monitored continuously without getting near the patients, through data transfer outside the product, through IoT technology. Though there is a large number of ready-made hardware available for designs for quick development in the IoT domain, yet it is advisable to have a dedicated design that has cost and security advantages. As such, this chapter discusses the design, challenges, and applications that need to be robust and reliable even though they need to be flexible to a certain extent to accommodate fast-changing electronic technologies.