Traffic gridlock, congestion, or commonly Traffic jam is likely to be a serious problem in most of the countries. There might be several reasons for this. If we need to list a few failures in the traffic signals, the poor enforcement of the law, and the old unmanaged traffic management system and lack of availability of resources for the expansion of the infrastructure are some reasons for the traffic congestion. In today’s metropolitan life, people spend most of the time in the husky, congested traffic and the toll plazas wasting their valuable time. By this, people not only waste their time, but also are affected by the pollution, and they are prone to many health disorders. There are quite a few previously defined methods from which the solutions can be found, but they are not up to the expectations of this fast-growing world. The main objective of this chapter is to enable a system that runs on the principle of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things to manage the traffic signals in metropolitan and major cities. This system is capable of determining the overall vehicle density 18on road at run time in every direction and dynamically allocates the signal timings at the junctions. Another system that works and the principle of sound recognition to manage the traffic on the siren sound of emergency vehicles. Finally, a fully automated system using the GPS service to get the current traffic status and decide the most suitable path intelligently. The above methods are integrated together to form a high-end traffic management system.