Productivity and effectiveness are the two wheels of sustainability. Survival is not just a dream. Right nurturing can support survival and lead to growth and achieving excellence. Exclusive knowledge can motivate the employees for greater accomplishment and goals but implicit knowledge can connect employees with organizational goals, human factors to humane factors. Happy employees have the driving shaft to carry an organization to be a learning, living, and laudable organization. Happiness at workplace is the most vital goal of today’s organizations. Happiness has been recognized and acknowledged as a significant factor by researchers and practitioners to enhance the bottom line of organizations. Advance-ments and progress in neuroscience have imprinted important knowledge on brain and its related neurotransmitters that play a key role in happiness namely—DOSE (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins). Triggering these neurotransmitters naturally can enhance their flow and make work more pleasant and enthusiastic. This chapter efforts to put light on these happy hormones, the catalyst of positivity, and enhancing productivity through ignited work circles, the proposed model for this study