The scarcity of water has always been persistent all over the world; this has been witnessed more in western parts of Rajasthan that lie within the inhospitable area of the Thar Desert. The Thar Desert is one of the most densely populated deserts in the world with the main occupations of its inhabitants being agriculture and animal husbandry; the secondary occupation involves being labors in brick factory. Animal husbandry, trees and grasses, intercropped with vegetables or fruit trees, is the most viable model for arid, drought-prone regions. Owing to climate change, the rainfall in this area has been unpredictable and hence agriculture is becoming tougher in this region.

This report deals with the various initiatives taken by URMUL Seemant Samiti in the field of agricultural advancement and the adversity faced in the operation of seed bank and Azolla farming. It also deals with the future propositions of climate smart farming through in-house mushroom farming and growing their local crops like Sangri, local berries and set up an industry for food processing the said items.

The current venture of URMUL is to form an enterprise and all the project pertaining to agriculture will come under this enterprise.

The basic aim of this paper is to depict the initiatives of sustainable agriculture and hence depict the economic growth in the dry areas of Thar.