The visualization of ubiquitous approach to intelligence, anyplace and anytime, is flattering into a truth, permitted by promptly evolving wireless broadcastings with an analysis that varies from a few inches to many miles. In near future, the world will be completely intertwined and the quantity of smart gadgets will explode to an extensive number; the estimate is 10 times the human populace. Internet of Things (IoT) shall bring plethora of advantages and ease in our habitual life. But what about all the data including personal information, location monitoring, daily routine, etc., be shared and stored over Internet. It is vital to maintain the accuracy and extensiveness of biometrics for the authorization of an individual. So, there is a need for highly reliable methodologies. Nevertheless, with the evolution of the IoT applications, the communication transfer will have tremendous growth, both in terms of ease and privacy issues. We have studied many privacy issues and have proposed a methodology keeping in mind location privacy. A secure system will build trust and, thus, will make the client more secure and private while moving from one place to another.