The present study examines the implications of LULC change for the surface temperature of Berhampore Municipality in West Bengal. The study is based on Landsat satellite data from 1992, 2005 and 2018, from which land surface temperature (LST) is extracted. LULC shows a continuous growth of the built-up area, implying that increasing built-up areas result in higher surface temperature. A Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) revealed a decrease in vegetation coverage area from 1992 to 2018. The decreasing vegetation cover implies increased built-up areas as well as a rise in surface temperatures. The correlation between LST and NDVI is significant. The current surface temperature is at its highest in comparison to previous years, indicating the worst eco-environmental conditions in an unplanned settlement area. The increasing temperature is a threat to the urban environment. Consequently, sustainable urban planning is needed to mitigate the effects of rising temperatures and increase urban greenery.