The study report indicates that online education's demographic profile and attributes play an important role in making online teaching more competitive. Online learning has given students the ability to have a free conversation without fear of the environment of the classroom. The following are the areas based on which the issues of the Need for Technological Upgradation of Hardware and Software, Increase in Evaluation, and Lack of Differentiation in Teaching Strategies affect the efficacy of online teaching. The emphasis on making online teaching an efficient teaching platform depends on the availability of state-of-the-art technical features of systems and software that both students and teachers can run. The study offers new insight into the need for online teaching for students who have a prevailing view that online teaching provides them with various advantages. Using the Chi-square test, rotated component matrix, standard deviation, mean, range, variance, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett's test, rotated component matrix, and demographic profile analysis and online learning attributes, the study also provides a comparative analysis. The report provides scope for future research as well.