While the wireless networks are nowadays very popular among the users of social networks, security threats in such environment are also numerous, which they are often unaware of. One of the notable security threats in wireless network is the existence of rogue access point (RAP). The network administrators are often very concerned about such threats that can jeopardize the normal activities of the network. In fact, RAP can affect both the wired medium and wireless medium of a network. Hence, it is important to detect and disable RAP in any wireless network that is being used by the users who may frequently access various types of social networks for their communications among friends and known people. Many kinds of wireless threats like man-in-the-middle (MITM) or Evil Twin can be deployed in a network by using RAP that can also threaten an organization where multiple legitimate users may share their organizational secrets. In this chapter, we discuss different types of RAP detection approaches on the basis of traditional approach, client-side approach, server-side approach, and hybrid approach. Then, we talk about a few countermeasures to ensure a secure wireless network. Finally, we perform some experiments for detecting RAP using some parameters.