Nanomaterials are materials with dimensions between 1 and 100 nm, extremely small in size, with at least one dimension ≤ 100 nm. These nanomaterials exhibit enormous physicobiochemical properties such as thermal, electrical, optical, magnetic, mechanical, and biological properties owing to which these nanomaterials find a variety of applications in various fields. Moreover, the nanomaterials’ synthesis encompasses two main approaches: the top-down approach and the bottom-up approach. Thus, these nanomaterials’ synthesis can be performed very easily using different chemical, physical, and biological (plant, fungi, bacteria, etc.) methods. Nanomaterials can be classified as 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D nanostructures where 0D are clusters and spheres, 1D are wires, nanofibers, and rods, 2D are plates, films, and networks, and 3D are known as nanomaterials. For characterization of these nanostructures, sophisticated techniques such as spectroscopy and microscopy are required. Hence, this chapter focuses on these nanomaterials’ classification, properties, synthesis, and characterization.