The minimally processed vegetables and fruits (MPVFs) industry has been rising in during the last few decades due to technological and dynamic lifestyle changes and the growing global population. Upholding the quality, appearance, taste, and nutrition of MPVFs should be the primary concern of manufacturers and traders. The safety of fresh produce has become a global concern as fruits and vegetables are perishable in nature due to microbial outbreaks, moisture, degradation, and physical and chemical contamination. Numerous approaches have been applied for the minimal process line, but most methods did not satisfy the consumers’ requirements. The advent of nanotechnology to improve the desired quality, consumers’ needs, and the perishability of MPVFs has gained massive interest in the food industry. Among many metal/metal-oxide nanoparticles (NPs), zinc-oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) deliver outstanding antimicrobial capacity for various pathogens, increasing or upholding quality, shelf life, taste, flavor, and appearance. Hence, in this chapter, the authors evaluate ZnONPs incorporated in the MPVF industry for developing nanopolymer-based antimicrobial packaging and coatings; increasing the strength, quality, and packaging beauty; and developing nanosensors to detect foodborne pathogens. Consumable concentrations and issues related to the safety and toxicity of ZnONPs also have been addressed.