The standards for genital appearance for women seeking cosmetic genital surgery change over time under the influence of gendered narratives. It is critical to raise public awareness about the diverse natural range of healthy female genital appearance and sexuality as well as female cosmetic genital surgery, indications, contraindications, complications, and the results. Labiaplasty is the most common cosmetic genital surgery procedure performed globally. Excess clitoral hood in the sagittal plane appears as a wrinkled hood and can best be addressed by curvilinear dorsal hood reduction of the excess. Labia majora reduction is usually performed through a sagittal excision of the medial portion of the redundant labia majora. Clitoroplasty is commonly performed in cases of clitoral enlargement. Hymenoplasty aims to restore the hymen by producing a smaller vaginal opening, which is designed to increase the probability of tearing and bleeding with subsequent coitus. Vulvar lipoplasty involves removal of unwanted fat from the mons pubis and labia through liposuction.