The powerful influence of new technologies and the emphasis on minimal invasiveness, decreasing morbidity, and decreasing hospital stay means once popular operations such as retropubic suspensions, biological grafts, needle suspensions, and anterior colporrhaphy, find themselves relegated to the historical section of this book. For the purpose of this review, evidence has been presented as the original author intended. Through two small suprapubic stab incisions, a single pronged needle is introduced, puncturing the rectus sheath and then moving downward through the retropubic space to emerge onto the tip of the surgeon's finger in the previously created pocket. Leach was the first to describe the use of bone anchoring to provide support for the sutures of a needle suspension. The single large-scale RCT, the Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment Efficacy trial, shows that the efficacy of RF sling is superior to Burch colposuspension though the risk of adverse events is higher.