The medical image classification assumes a basic job in clinical treatment and instructing aid. The old approach about this medical image classification might have touched its maximum level considering the execution. Additionally, by utilizing them, much time and exertion should be spent on extricating and choosing characterization highlights. The profound neural system is a developing AI technique that has demonstrated its potential for various order assignments. Strikingly, the convolutional neural system overwhelms with the best outcomes on shifting picture-grouping assignments. Notwithstanding, clinical picture datasets are difficult to gather since it needs a ton of expert mastery to name them. In this chapter, a comprehensive analysis of various approaches to the medical image classification using convolutional neural networks (CNN) is presented. Here a short-term explanation of numerous datasets of medical images along with the approaches for facilitating the major diseases with CNN is discussed. All current progress in the image classification using CNN is analyzed and discoursed. Adding a feather to the cap, research-oriented points are presented for medical image classifications and identification of diseases which arises to humankind. This assessment could furnish completely the medical examination networks through the important information on the way to ace the idea of CNN in order to use it intended for refining the general humanoid social protection framework.