With global problems related to waste generation, especially food waste (FW), many higher learning institutions, being one of the primary sources and generators of FW have initiated integrated waste management systems in order to reduce waste generation. With a total of 20 public-funded universities and more than 200 private-funded colleges, it becomes essential for higher educational institutional authorities to reduce the generation of FW. Recycling of FW helps the university to save in disposal cost as well as reduce the environmental burdens. The present chapter aims to showcase the environmental and financial benefits of the University Malaya Zero Waste Campaign (UM ZWC) initiatives as a strategy to promote the circular economy. Avoided carbon emission and monetary saving/gained from UM ZWC initiative from 2012 till 2019 were quantified. Results showed that treating FW and yard waste as a resource could yield large carbon emission 234reduction. Environmental benefit and financial gained were calculated and compared against business-as-usual. The result of the present study indicates the need to promote the implementation of integrated solid waste management (ISWM) system in higher educational institutions because it not only reduces its institutional carbon footprint and waste disposal costs but also provides the opportunity to more financial gain to promote sustainable circular economy.