Colostrum is a sticky white or yellow nutrient-rich liquid secreted by female mammals immediately afterward giving birth. Bovine colostrum is load with massive nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, disease-fighting proteins, growth hormones, and digestive enzymes. It also possesses functional food properties. Nowadays, society is more interested in bovine colostrum supplements because they promote immunity, exchange blows infection, and get well gut health. To get ready, these supplements colostrum from a cow is pasteurized and then dries into pills or into a powder that can be mixed with liquid. Bovine colostrum possesses outstanding properties, including various antibodies such as IgA, IgG, and IgM, which are used to strengthen our immune response to fight against microorganisms including bacteria and viruses. Colostrum restrains protein-based hormones like IGF-1 and IGF-2, which stimulate the growth. This growth factor shows enormous significant muscle and cartilage repair characteristics. They encourage wound healing with real consequences for suffering and operating patients. Lactoferrin, which is a constituent of colostrum is a protein involved in our body’s immune reaction to infections, containing folks triggered by bacteria and viruses. Lactoferrin also possess antiviral and antibacterial activity. Colostrum acts as a powerful inhibitor in eye infection against bacteria, i.e., Chlamydia tracomatis. Even colostrum is topically applied, it effectively acts against dryness of the eye and eye injury. Presently scientists are a move towards new innovation to clone and reproduce essential main factor occurs in colostrum. Researchers utilized in vivo and an in vitro model to 4reduce gastrointestinal damage that occurs by consuming a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent.

Thus this review probably focuses on the efficient utilization of colostrum in day-to-day life with a couple of medicinal properties.