As China enters a new era of its socialist construction, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, based on the current new situation, has proposed the idea of promoting the construction of a community of human destiny, and seeks happiness and development for the people in the overall situation. In a speech at the conference marking the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, Xi Jinping pointed out, “The times call for responsibility and China’s revitalization lies in the youth” [1]. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate young students’ sense of social responsibility in the new era. Currently, in a profound and complex international environment, colleges and universities should educate young students on values, establish their concept of social responsibility, and cultivate young students’ sense of social responsibility in a targeted manner, so that they can correctly understand the laws of social development, the future and destiny of our country, nation, and people, as well as their own social responsibilities. Young students are expected to be a responsible generation and contribute to the building of a community of human destiny.