A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is vulnerable to attacks due to inhibited resource management in the massive IoT communication region. The small-size sensor nodes have some general features like pressure, temperature and energy and can sense and store the healthcare data in IoT devices. The economical and easy deployment of sensor nodes has been utilized in IoT WSNs for several real-time applications such as robotics, health monitoring and military operations. The intruder captures a small number of nodes to destroy whole network and stole the secure healthcare information and encryption keys from IoT devices. This type of node capture attack in IoT devices is used by intruder to find out all the medical-related information about secure IoT-based network. Several approaches have been developed to find out the IoT devices in WSN which are to be most probable captured by intruder. In these approaches, the various properties of IoT devices like energy, capturing cost, and direct and indirect device participation are utilized to generate the most attackable IoT devices. Various optimization approaches like Grey Wolf Optimization, Dragon Fly Optimization, Cuttlefish Optimization and Fruit Fly Optimization are also developed to increase the possibility of node capture decision in 5G-IoT network. In this chapter, node capture attacks, optimization approaches and encryption methods are described in brief and performance is analyzed on the basis of various efficient factors such as privacy, attacking rounds, power utilization, confusion, diffusion and compromised traffic.