Nowadays, the IoT is making great changes in the world. The IoT is used everywhere to enhance productivity and efficiency. In this chapter, an automated system is presented that determines whether soil and plants are normal or diseased. The typical development of the plants, the yield, and the nature of horticultural items are influenced by plant leaves and soil disease. This chapter endeavors to build up a mechanized framework that recognizes the presence of infection in the plant leaves and soil. Using different types of sensors, such as pH, temperature, moisture, DHT 11, and TCS 3200, we detect the current status of the soil and plant. Then, we send those sensor values, using an Ethernet shield, to be stored on an IoT server. Here, we create a framework to detect the current condition of the plant’s environment. Then, we analyze the current situation of the environment, by comparing it with the healthy plant's actual values, which we then show on our constructed platform.