Climate change is a vital field of study. Scientific communities are trying to understand the mechanism through various research works. This article emphasizes on climate change in the context of the Himalayan region and Eastern states of India, i.e., Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. The long-term monitoring and studies on climate change are known by different names and are being carried out in India from many years. This paper summarizes the theme of such studies. There are potentials to study the impact of climate change through long-term monitoring in India. Predictive spatial modeling or species distribution models have been used to assess the impacts of overall changes on biodiversity distribution, by anticipating current species distributions and applying fact-based models from current distributions to expand future dispersals under overall global change. This approach has become very useful for producing biogeographical data that can be connected over an expansive scope of fields, including conservation science, ecology and evolutionary biology. Species distribution modeling is a useful tool to assess how patterns of species distribution may get modified under climate change.