Our universe is changing, and in the second decade of the 21st century, it is changing exponentially. The globe invented cell phones only two decades ago, and within less than a decade, humans got addicted. The same words are valid in the case of the World Wide Web when it was introduced in 1990. Nowadays in the 21st century, nobody can live without the World Wide Web and internet. World Wide Web is the largest universal info media used by users to read, write, share, and react on data via any electronic device like computer or mobile, linked to the internet. The Web is rising and intensifying with surprising speed since the past decade but currently gets all-embracing attention. It started with static web pages and found a way to connect and communicate with smart industries and smart homes. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is possible just because of Web advancement with the support of new technologies like the Internet of Things, big data, Artificial Intelligence, cognitive computing, cloud computing, and Industrial IoT. New Web 4.0 has a complete stack of tools and technology that covers all business aspects and inspires business people to utilize resources. The Web 4.0 revolution depends on blockchain technology, which provides immutability, transparency, and enhanced security to the system and makes it decentralized. This chapter provides a complete review of the World Wide Web from Web 1.0 to Web 4.0. and compare all the versions of the Web. This chapter aims to underline and intellectualize the Web’s progress from the past to forthcoming drifts in the area of Web. The chapter author’s prime focus is on using blockchain technology in Web 4.0 and discusses Web 4.0 in decentralized cloud computing.