IoT is used by every household and its usage keeps increasing every day. Electricity bill is a huge burden to the middle and lower class family. To combat this situation, a Power Monitoring System would be extremely beneficial to people and help to save a portion of their budget. It will also help to prevent electricity theft, unnecessary power waste, and the use of high-power-consumption devices. IoT can also be used to monitor the consumption of electricity in commercial buildings as well as households. At present, the Tamilnadu electricity board calculates the power consumption and the generated bill is sent to the customer through mail or SMS. An effective power monitoring device is suggested, which employs a sensor to determine current, a circuit to determine voltage, and these two together to determine power. Control attributes are saved in a cloud database. The power consumption value can be tracked using information stored in the cloud database. With the help of a Relay Module, automation of home appliances can be achieved. The cloud dashboard monitors devices and predicts the future bill amount by comparing archived data and present data. The accuracy can be improved by monitoring the consumption of every installed device.