Intuitionistic fuzzy logic and fuzzy logic are being used in the mathematical formulation and in optimization of transportation problems. In this work, we are introducing meditative fuzzy logic approach for the multi-objective transportation problems because this technique comprehensively covers the uncertainties in the parameters due to its three valued criteria. The meditative fuzzy logic contains the favorable, unfavorable, and contradictory criteria for the parameters. The application of mediative fuzzy logic can be very useful and easy to deal the situations in which these types of uncertainties exist. There are several methodologies and techniques in the existing literature to obtain an optimal solution for all the objectives having multiple criteria for the optimization of transportation problems. But here in this chapter, we are presenting a multi-objective solid transportation problem based on fuzzy goal programming by using mediative fuzzy logic. In this proposed approach, we converted the membership and the nonmembership values of each parameter into a single mediative value by using mediative fuzzy logic. To find the compromise optimal solution of the multi-objective solid transportation problem with mediative fuzzy cost, we used a fuzzy goal programming approach with a deviational variable which is to be minimized. The main objective of the proposed mediative approach is to optimize all the objectives simultaneously. We formulated mathematical structure for the proposed algorithm. A numerical example is also carried out to elaborate the proposed mediative logic-based technique.