In recent years, both administratively and ethically, the human-based disaster management program has been a concern. It can be more negative than healthy at times. There emerged a new Internet of Things (IoT) organization that was advanced enough to build a network that automatically connected people and forecasted every function and attribute of the flood to be considered using lesser interaction between human beings and all such innovations. In this study, a wastewater disposal system is developed and implemented to overcome the losses caused by urban inundations in urban regions. The platform consists of cloud-based IoT control on a real-time basis for the criticality of the wastewater disposal network. We have developed this architecture, technology, mathematical model, and application to satisfy the need to incorporate wastewater drainage systems in any urban area to prevent floods. The case study of floods in Mumbai 2005 illustrates this built framework. If we adopt this system, it will save more than 40% of damages and lives.