There are temperature monitoring and predicting systems which will be designed by the combination of technologies such as Internet of Things and machine learning. This system will be able to monitor the temperature of the refrigerator and will send an alarming message via mail and SMS whenever the temperature of the system crosses the pre-defined threshold. This system will also be able to predict when in near future the temperature of the refrigerator will cross the threshold value with the help of analyzing the previous data generated by the LM35 sensor. It has been researched that the medicines which are kept under pre-defined temperature limits basically help better in the rehabilitation of the patient. The controller of the system will get a message when temperature is beyond the limits defined for a particular product. The temperature sensor will sense the temperature at each interval of 10 sec. This system can be used in pharmaceutical companies, cold storages where the quality of the product totally depends on the temperature they are kept on. Medicines are always kept under a prescribed temperature limit other than that they get rotten which will be a huge loss for the company as well as for the society. In this paper, a prototype was designed which is showing the functionalities those are stated above. An experimental approach to making a system like this able to run undeviatingly with accurate data collection and reliable control is introduced.