With the advent of information technology (IT), the impact on the environment is rapidly increasing. Increasing the number of IT resources makes it very difficult to handle them, which is becoming a more prominent factor in adopting them. This matter can be resolved by introducing the cloud computing concept. Cloud computing nowadays has become an emerging technology due to some features such as increasing data storage, security, on-demand service, and so on. Due to the high-energy consumption rate of the IT resources, its implementation is becoming more challenging. The green IT (GIT) implementation helps IT firms in achieving less power consumption and high environmental sustainability. To transform IT into GIT, the CM or change management plays a vital role. As cloud computing is being considered as an emerging technology due to its significant features, to resolve the energy consumption, the GIT is being applied to it. Green cloud computing is an advanced form of cloud computing that is very efficient in energy consumption as compared to the traditional cloud architecture. In this manner, green cloud computing is the necessity of the present innovation. Green cloud computing has a self-configuring nature due to which various issues get raised in the network. The fault occurrence is the basic issue of the network, which reduces its efficiency. The broker is the third party that is responsible to assign the task to the most capable virtual machine. Due to overload of the virtual machine, fault may occur in the network, which needs to be overcome to make the system fault-tolerant. Also, green cloud computing helps us as a data center to minimize energy consumption and CO2 emissions that have benefits for the cloud service provider. In this research, the genetic algorithm will be applied, which migrates virtual machine in case of overloading to make the system fault-tolerant. In this chapter, a load-balancing algorithm is proposed utilizing the rule of genetic algorithm.