Smart cities are complicated entities but when stripped to the basics, they consist of people and groups that have interaction with gadgets, which include roads, buildings, and spaces, throughout a broad variety of settings and contexts. Towns are called clever towns, meaning that various new artificial intelligence (AI) techniques gather information to get insights and use them to manage these gadgets efficaciously.

Smart cities yield many benefits for the society, including enhanced opportunities for schooling, progressed task possibilities, higher access to healthcare, and purifier water. Yet, it is also related to giant societal and environmental challenges. Inefficient planning and management practices lead to unsustainable settlements that do not allow people to boost socially or economically. Smart and modern technologies, consisting of AI, are revolutionizing the way cities cope with the challenges related to clever boom.

Today, we all are living in the evolving era of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), and the only thing we are lagging behind is the tool dependencies that we all need to accept. Our technology development is dependent on many developed countries, which are the leading developers of AR and VR Projects, and this is all because of the ease of hardware availability. This is one of the biggest questions – Why we need to be dependent on such countries to help us with our research work?

Today, Google is implementing a 3D (using AI techniques) view with Google maps in India, but if we compare the development of Google maps in American states and Indian states, we can find the difference of the ages. This is possible by various Hardware devices and software. But here we are trying to develop the indoor system for a green city sustainable development navigation system, which will be in the form of a first-person game for a particular place in the city, i.e., it will navigate the user to the whole place with all the buildings and all the indoor objects in a map developed for the building particularly. This can be the biggest center of attraction to the green city development to provide VR-enabled structures where people can easily navigate and choose appropriate way toward the destination.

The proposed work is capable of e-navigation, an assistant for indoor navigation not only to improve the navigation system and modify it with VR and AR implementation, but also to help users in finding the path to where they need to be in a building using unity, Godot and an unreal engine (UGU) mechanism.