Due to high efficiency and eco-friendly nature, electrochemical power storage is a viable path to alleviate the growing energy need as well as environmental problems. Nevertheless, because of inadequate electrode materials that are either expensive or have low activity, it is still difficult to implement widespread applications. The search for new electrode materials is critical, and in this regard, two-dimensional (2D) materials can be considered as potential candidates due to their distinctive shape and physicochemical characteristics. The recent advancements in new 2D materials for electrochemical energy storage are the subject of this chapter. We have discussed some recent breakthroughs in the synthesis of 2D framework materials, as well as their benefits for electrochemical applications and future possibilities. The first section introduces the characteristics and design of 2D materials. Following that, the applications of supercapacitors, alkali metal-ion/metal-air batteries are reviewed. In conclusion, the difficulties and opportunities are explored, to provide an idea for future research into the most efficient 2D materials for electrochemical power storage.