Energy is an essential and fundamental factor for many human activities. It can be sourced from renewable and nonrenewable sources. The nonrenewable energy includes those from coal, petroleum oil and nuclear sources. They can generate a large amount of energy, but come with some disadvantages. They can get exhausted and can cause environmental pollution. Nonrenewable sources of energy are associated with the emission of greenhouse gases which contributes to climate change. These disadvantages have led to the need for a better and sustainable alternative, which is renewable energy. On the other side, renewable energy is more environmentally friendly and can also be replenished naturally. Examples of renewable sources of energy are solar, hydro, wind and biomass resources. Renewable energy is considered a better alternative to their nonrenewable counterpart, as it can be replenished and has a less detrimental effect on the environment. This review discusses the sources of energy, the types of renewable and nonrenewable energy, and their advantages and disadvantages.