It requires a person to configure and connect four things—i.e., sensors, actuators, controllers, and Internet—together to make a thing IOT-powered. In robotics, every drone and robot is specifically designed for some specific purpose or special task that it needs to accomplish by performing a series of actions. These actions are the output of decision-making processes, which are directly dependent on the events or the surroundings in which the robot or drone is present at that moment. These events can be any data obtained either from sensing the physical changes in the environment or fed in by the user through different modes. Once the raw data is obtained, it is then processed with the help of different data analytic techniques, as well as arithmetic and logical functions, to obtain the information of the user's interest. After this, the information is used by the microcontroller to perform real-time actions with the help of different actuators and output devices that produces human observable and sensible movements and outputs. Sensors are defined as the input devices, which are responsible for sensing the physical changes occurring in the surroundings and converting those physical signals into electrical signals that can be fetched readily by the microcontrollers. Actuators are the output modules of an IOT system, which hold the task to automatically perform the different mechanical operations like linear motion or angular motion without the human assistance to produce human readable, sensible, and understandable results. This chapter is about the various sensors and output devices related to their applications and technical specifications interfacing with the commonly-used development board Arduino UNO, as well as other technical documents.