Cloud computing (CC) is the most recent computing standard in IT where stages, applications, programming, and several other IT administrations are given over the web. CC is used to maintain the large amount of data generated by Internet of Drones (IoD) devices. The data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices are stored at a base station in the form of unstructured and duplicated data. For proficient asset use, the load-balancing system issue needs more consideration in CC. This chapter proposes an operator-based calculation for load balancing in appropriate conditions. In the proposed approach, a versatile specialist assumes a significant job, which is a product element and generally characterized as an autonomous programming program that suddenly spikes the demand for the sake of a system manager. It can learn. After contrasting the proposed technique and customary load-balancing plan, we reasoned that the agent baseload balancing plan incredibly diminishes the correspondence cost of hubs and quickens the pace of load balancing, which by implication improves the throughput and response time of the cloud.