COVID-19, corona virus, lockdown and quarantine are the most commonly used words in recent times. COVID-19 has put people into difficult and affluent situations in numerous ways. It has created fear of lives from urban to rural areas. It has affected people irrespective of their economic backgrounds. The common symptoms of corona are fever, sore throat, tiredness, aches and loss of taste or smell. When it gets severe, we feel difficulty in breathing and chest pain. During second wave, other symptoms have dropped significantly while shortness of breath has become the most common symptom compared to the first wave. It is the most important complication of COVID-19 pneumonia and causes death. Oxygen is lifesaving for people affected by COVID-19 as it relieves hypoxemia. The deadly second wave of the pandemic has drained supplies of medical oxygen. So, doctors and government are facing huge hurdles in getting oxygen to patients. The oxygen that is used for industrial purpose is also diverted for medical purpose. Many hospitals have run short of oxygen. People are scrambling everywhere for oxygen cylinders. This inequality is due to the lack of centralized coordination of oxygen supply and distribution. This problem can be sorted out by robotic automation process. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of the software technologies which is used widely. This technology can do what humans cannot do! So it will surely help to reduce the troubles because of COVID 19. It can ease the tasks of human with the help of software technology. Just like humans, robots can understand what they are going to do. These robots can do works faster than any human can do. RPA can help people a lot in this crisis time. We can control or give instructions to robots by just using a computer or a laptop. Next important use of RPA robots is that we can make them to engage corona patients by just talking to them and being with them. By doing so, corona patients will become mentally strong, and this might also help them to get cured within a short span of time. They won’t feel lonely at hospital. Then we can code these robots in a way that they would know some basics of treating a COVID patient. Last but not the least, in our country, at some places we have good availability of oxygen, but we don’t have proper facilities to carry or transport those oxygen cylinders to patients’ ward. So we can use RPA to create robots that could carry and deliver oxygen cylinders to the required places at a very fast rate. Next, we can also use RPA to create robots that could do the work of police, i.e. controlling traffic and checking whether all people are staying at home. By doing so, we can provide security to our police community too. At last we can provide a small place at all areas for these robots to stay. In this chapter we mainly focus on how RPA can help in medication and provide a great relief to humans.