Nowadays technologies play a major part in human lives and health. Machine Learning and related areas are booming and taking over the world right now. It is proved that Machine Learning often outdoes the humans in prediction of disease. Healthcare sector is getting benefited with the advancement in technologies. Cyber-physical system is a recent trend in technology advancement. Cyber-physical systems are the mechanisms which are controlled and monitored remotely. The proposed system considers the future critical concerns and challenges with cyber-physical systems and lists out such critical issues very elaborately. Machine Learning is the future of healthcare. It plays a major role in decision support system, enabling earlier prediction of disease and customized treatment plans to ensure the better performance and outcomes of the patients. Machine Learning in healthcare helps to analyze millions of patient data and provide suggested outcomes and defined resource allocation. Training a Machine Learning algorithm to predict the disease of the patients is a challenging task. A Machine Learning application does its job drastically to improve the health outcomes through algorithmic processes. In daily routine humans spend one-fourth of their work time on documentation related to regulatory and administrative process activities. Machine Learning algorithms could easily take over these routine tasks. Machine Learning in healthcare gets the highest score in sorting and classifying health data and supporting doctors’ clinical decisions and any kind of predictions that can save lives or make surgery less complicated.